Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The One About the Chrysalis

I have been doing school lessons with Bumble for a while now.  A couple months ago we did an entire lesson on the life cycle of a butterfly.  We did a butterfly and caterpillar craft and read a book from the library on the subject. She was fascinated.  On ours walks she would try to find caterpillars and chrysalises. She would collect leaves for the caterpillars to eat so they would have enough energy to turn into butterflies.  In case anyone forgets this lesson from first grade science, please review the following worksheets from www.education.com. I highly recommend this site if you want to spend some time teaching your child everyday. Here are the worksheets:

Notice the stages: eggs, caterpillar, chrysalis, and adult butterfly. 

Thank you for reviewing that with me. That being said now onto Stinger.  He has been taking his diaper off lately.  I have to make sure he has pants on at all times or the diaper will be off in no time.  When I put it back on he shakes his head no.  Sorry Stinger you cannot be potty trained yet!  So how are these two uniquely different stories tied together? Lets just say Bumble got a good view of naked Stinger the other day when she pointed and said "Mommy, look I found a chrysalis!"

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