Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Bees Get Amused! Part 1

I do not like roller coasters and I do not understand why people do.  I do not wish to be flung around at a high rate of speed or dropped from an insane height.  I like my feet on the ground.  That being said, Honey convinced me that it would be smart to purchase season passes to a local amusement park this summer! 

At the beginning of spring, Bumble was tall enough to ride all the kiddie rides.
Yes she is a Hershey Kiss!

Bumble riding the Granny Bugs!


Yes that is Bumble on the train in the back. She was the one lone passenger!

Fly that helicopter, Bumble!

and don't forget her first carousel ride with daddy! 

Stinger was a trooper as well. He was content just to ride in his stroller.

Ok maybe not!
Then Bumble grew and was able to ride the some of the bigger kiddie rides at the end of summer.
Now she is a peanut butter cup! 
Well we were all having a fine and dandy time until Honey wanted to take our three year old on this:
Oh dear what is Queen Bee going to do?!? Should I say yes and subject my daughter to the twists, turns, and high rates of speed that I hate. Isn't she just too young?  To be continued....


  1. My stomach did a flip for you. Next year he can take Ryan.. he begs for rides like that. :)
    ~ Althea

  2. take me to hershey

    1. Dear Wade,
      I would love to take you to Hersheypark. You would have to squeeze between Bumble and Stinger's carseats but I think you could do it! I will have to talk to your mother! Thanks for you comment! On another note, why are you up so late?

    2. WADE [THE AWESOME]April 20, 2013 at 9:08 PM

