Friday, September 6, 2013

A Letter To A Spider

Dear Menacing Spider,

       Bumble will never be the same.   She witnessed the unthinkable the other day.  You spun your web all over our deck which just happens to be where all of Bumble's friends hang out.  You know, the beautiful butterflies she has tamed.  She even brought one inside our hive the other day to show the butterfly her room!  However, one of Bumble's butterflies happened to get stuck in your web.  Couldn't you have waited until Bumble left until you wrapped it up and ate it for your dinner?  Don't try to deny it.  I have proof. 

Bumble was horrified and immediately ran to get her butterfly book that she checked out at the library to see how to rescue the butterfly.  After consulting her book she brought me Stinger's toy golf club, and well, you know the rest of the story! 
                                                                                                A Butterfly Loving Bee,

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