Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Stinger's Noise Reducing Ear Muffs

       When Stinger was a baby, he would search for things to put in his ears like crumbs or paper.  Most parents worry about their babies putting small objects in their mouths.  I worried about things Stinger would stick in his ears.  I am wondering now if he was trying to tell me that noise hurts his ears.
      I still see Stinger with his hands over his ears numerous times everyday.  Most recently it has been outside when all the locust in the trees are chirping.  We decided to try some noise reducing headphones on Stinger and he loves them...

     Since we still have our season passes to Hersheypark, that seemed like the right place to try them out.  I was a little hesitant though because he was so miserable the last time we went.  I think it was because we had been lenient on his diet and he just didn't feel well. 
     We put the ear muffs on him immediately after arriving and he didn't want us to take them off.   He even slept with them over his ears on the car ride home.

I wonder if our Pastor would be offended if we tried these in church?!?

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