Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Stinger's Huge Progress

     In a few short weeks we have gone from counting the sounds Stinger can make to counting words!!  Stinger loves music and I have been using songs to help him get more comfortable with saying words.  To get Stinger to say "me" we sing the song "Jesus Loves the Little Ones Like Me, Me, Me." When I pause after the word "like," he will say "me, me, me!"  He can also say the word "happy" which is why that is what we named his cat!  When I sing "If Your Happy and You Know It" he will fill in every "happy" in the song.  Other words that he has said are ball, apple, mommy, and daddy.  Up until today he has never called me mommy without being prompted.  The therapist that he has told me to have Honey and Bumble go to another room and yell for mommy over and over again and then I should appear.  I guess all the yelling paid off because today Stinger wanted to go outside but the door was locked.  He turned around and said, "Mommy!"  I almost fell over! I praised him immensely and opened the door for him!  Stinger has the sweetest voice and I hope I will be hearing more from him. 


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