Monday, September 2, 2013

Stinger's Birthday Bubbles

Sunday evening the Bees went to a family picnic hosted by my younger sister and her husband.  While we were there Stinger received a birthday gift from my brother and his family.  One of their gifts was one all of Stinger's cousins enjoyed...
Who new a bubble blower could be so much fun!!!

This thing could sure blow bubbles faster than I ever could...

 Bumble enjoyed it...

 and so did Stinger...

Here are all of Bumble and Stinger's cousins posing together...

I hate to burst Stinger's bubble but we are now out of bubble solution, so no more bubbles Stinger until mama gets to the store!  Thank you to my sister and her husband for the wonderful food and for putting up with some Bees and to my brother and sister-in-law for the fun gifts. 

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