Thursday, October 10, 2013

Queen Bee Makes Shepherd's Pie

     There are many different ways to make Shephard's Pie.  I use the recipe my mother-in-law gave me.  It's the way Honey likes it.   Warning: This dish is a little time consuming and creates many dirty dishes.  If you have small children and want to maintain a happy, pleasant environment for you and for them make sure they are occupied for a while.  I turn on Dora the Explorer!

Here are the ingredients for Shepherd's Pie...

1 lb. ground beef
1 chopped onion (optional)
3 cups corn
2 cans cream of mushroom soup
4 cups mashed potatoes
2 cups cheddar cheese
Missing from the picture above is the 1/2 stick of butter, salt, and milk that I used to help make the mashed potatoes.  I think Swiper must have swiped them! OH, MAN! (If you do not understand that last sentence, be thankful!  I have Dora songs and phrases running through my mind on a daily basis!)
First wash and peel the potatoes.  Bumble decided she wanted to help so I let her. 
I did give her the "be careful" speech about not slicing any of her fingers!  She was so careful it took her 15 minutes to peel one potato!
After the potatos are peeled, cut them up into smaller pieces and boil them until tender.

 Meanwhile, cut up the onion and place it in a frying pan with the ground beef.  Also cook the corn according to package directions.

When the beef and onion are finished cooking, place it in the bottom of a 13x9 baking dish. 

Then place the cooked corn on top of the beef.

Then spread the 2 cans of cream of mushroom soup on top...
When the potatoes are soft it is time to mash them.  Like I said earlier, I add some butter, salt, and milk to my mashed potatoes, but feel free to make them anyway you like!  Just make sure they are REAL mashed potatoes!!!
Then layer the mashed potatoes on top of the corn.

Then put the cheese on the very top...

Bake this in a 375 degree oven for 30-40 minutes.  It is worth the effort.
I make this dish fairly often so when I make a batch of mashed potatoes I usually make an extra batch to freeze. This helps speed this dish up a bit for the next time I make it, and it still tastes the same.  You would never be able to tell that the mashed potatoes were frozen, just make sure to thaw them completely before using them.

 Anyway, by now Dora is done exploring and the little ones need their mama.  Thanks for reading!

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