Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Bee's "Big" Problem

     The television show "The Biggest Loser" starts this Tuesday on NBC.  Hopefully Honey and I can figure out how to stream it from the Internet the day after, and watch it after the kids go to bed.  Honey and I have watched past seasons of this show and really enjoy it.  For those of you that have never seen the show, it is a weight loss competition.  I always love the final show to see how the contestants change from the very first episode. 
     However, I will confess Honey and I have a "big" problem.  While watching this show about eating healthy and exercising, Honey and I usually find ourselves on the couch debating who's turn it is to get up and dish out the large bowls of ice cream with chocolate syrup, whip cream, and sprinkles.  Oh, and don't forget the chips! We figure we deserve it. Honey survived another day of teaching 120 adolescents about history, and I survived another day of being a cook, nurse, house cleaner, teacher, and dishwasher!  I am pretty sure our couch potato, ice cream eating behavior is not what this show is promoting.   We need help.  We better watch this season so this show can whip us into shape!

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