Friday, October 25, 2013

Queen Bee's Headache

     Well, Queen Bee's headache continues.  As I posted earlier I was hit in the head with a football.  The church gym is a dangerous place!!  The doctor said on Monday that my headache may last for up to 2 weeks.  I certainly hope not! 
      The doctor prescribed a muscle relaxer for me to take at night.  The football hit me in the back of the head right at the base of the skull in the soft part where it meets the neck.  The doctor thought it may have traumatized some of the ligaments and muscles.  I do not like taking pills so I was hesitant to take them at first.  Also,  I made the mistake of reading the leaflet that comes with the medication.  After reading it, I was certain that if I took the pills I would not be waking up the next morning!!  Honey assured me that I would be fine and nothing bad would happen to me.   I am thankful that I did wake up the next morning and did not experience any of the horrifying symptoms that the medication may cause.  It did relieve some of the pain. 
 So, I will continue on and pray that this constant headache will eventually leave me.  Trust me, it's a pain in the neck! 

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