Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Bees Fly Kites

Yesterday was the perfect day to fly a kite.  Bumble, Stinger, and Honey all headed to the backyard for some high flyin' fun...

I like your professional kite flying clothes, Honey!  (Actually, he just arrived home from a school meeting and was headed out next to a church meeting.)

Bumble worked on flying her Frozen kite...

Her kite got a little out of control and it went into a tree...

I was singing at the tree from the back deck, "Let it go! Let it go!"  Eventually the tree listened and freed her kite!  

Stinger was trying to fly Miss Ladybug with Honey's help...

Some help Honey was....

Not even his professional kite flying clothes could help him!

Miss Ladybug is stuck up in the highest tree and will not come down! 

Any ideas on what to do now? 

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