Saturday, December 29, 2012

A Bee Gets A Haircut

The following pictures prove that Stinger needed a haircut. 
If he wouldn't have such a boyish face, I think people would have thought he was a girl.  It hung in his eyes all the time.

The back was getting really long as well.

I put off giving him a haircut as long as I possibly could.  I was scared to get scissors anywhere near him.  If you know how active Stinger is you would understand.  I had to come up with a way he would sit still.  I decided to bribe him with Quilting Bee's chocolate chip cookies!
 It worked. Here is a picture of the back after I cut off about an inch.

Sorry I don't have more pictures of the actual haircut.  Taking pictures was not one of my top priorities.  Stingers safety was!  Here is the new and improved Stinger...

No hair in the eyes!
Stinger, this was a really hairy situation but you did extremely well.  You are a cut above the rest!

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