Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Quilting Bee, Part 2

I hope you all enjoyed seeing Quilting Bees quilts yesterday. 
Quilting Bee also made Bumble and Stinger quilts when they were born.  Here is Bumbles crazy baby quilt...
Here Bumble is seeing if it still covers her up.  Bumble, that's crazy!

Here is Stinger's quilt....

He loves his quilt too!

Thank you Quilting Bee for all your quilts that you have given us throughout the years.  They are cherished and always will be. 

So what is in store for tomorrows post? I had always wanted to make a quilt and in 2007 B.C (before children) I got the chance.  With Quilting Bee's help and guidance I was able to finish one.  Want to see it?  Remember it was my very first attempt. I'm hoping it doesn't leave you in stitches! 

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