Monday, December 3, 2012

A Letter To Mrs. Betty Crocker

Dear Mrs. Betty Crocker,
I have to admit, I am a bit disgruntled.  Since I assume you are married, I am sure you have been busy this past month cooking Mr. Crocker his meals.  However, you have been neglecting your website.  The website I held in high esteem and even told my wonderful and faithful readers about.  You see, I have not been able to print the coupons that you offer on your site for the last month.  Had I been able to print last month I could be getting Cheerios for $0.29 cents a box this week, but now I will have to pay full price.  Now you see why I am a little disgruntled.   Make Mr. Crocker prepare his own meal tonight.  The directions on your prepackaged mixes are so clear and simple I am sure he can do it.  Take this free time to fix your site.  I have done all the steps needed to ensure it is not my computer or printers fault.  I assure you it is yours. 
                                                                                       Thank you,
                                                                                       A disgruntled Bee

P.S.  Don't make me go to Mr. Duncan Hines' website. I assure you if this problem is not handled promptly, I will!

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