Monday, May 13, 2013

A Peek Inside The Bee's Closets

The Bee's cleaned out their closets this past weekend.  Since we will be in our new house soon (hopefully!) we thought we would get a jump start on packing.  Here is what I kept in my closet to get me through the next couple of weeks...
Notice I kept a few long sleeved shirts because the weather right now is very unpredictable.  (Which is why I hope it is only weeks until we are in our house, not months.  They have yet to do our sandmound because it is too wet.)  The clothes in the above picture plus what is in the laundry is what I will be wearing until we move. 
Here is what Honey decided to keep for the next few weeks...

In his defense he said he needed enough shirts to last him through the school year!  It's ok Honey.  I know you have to dress up every day for work, and you gave me great "material" for my blog!   

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