Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Bees Eat Corn on the Cob

     Bumble spied corn on the cob at the grocery store the other day so I bought it for her.  She LOVES corn on the cob.  She takes after me.  I grew up on the farm and we ate a lot of corn growing up  The corn on the cob we ate did not come from the grocery store but from the field.  I remember going out to the field with my parents to get corn for supper.  We picked plenty of ears because each of us kids could eat our weight in corn. It was not an uncommon thing for each one of us to eat 6 to 7 ears of corn for supper in one sitting.  This estimation may even be on the low side!!!
     Most people do not understand how to eat corn on the cob properly so I will explain.  First of all you must drench it in butter while the ear is still warm.  Then salt it, and when you think you are done salting it, salt it some more.  When you are finished eating it, butter should be running down your mouth and dripping of your elbows.  If it doesn't you did not butter it enough.  Then scrape the cob with a knife to get all the leftovers off of it and mix it in all the butter and salt remaining on your plate.  Yummy! Then when you have polished off your last ear, a toothpick may be needed to remove any remaining corn stuck between your teeth! (Maybe this is why we all joked we could never ever eat corn on the cob in public!!!)
     I thought it was time to pass down this tradition to Bumble and Stinger.  We took our corn outside and "pretended" we were in our field and Bumble helped to husk it...

Here is our corn ready to be cooked...

Stinger unfortunately cannot drench his in butter due to his diet but I did salt it for him.  He is a pro at eating corn on the cob...

Then Bumble drenched hers in butter and salt and ate two whole ears. 

She then promptly asked me for a wet paper towel so she could wipe her chin and her arms.  Way to go Bumble! 
     By the way, Honey does not understand my desire for corn on the cob.  He does not prefer it.  Maybe if he would eat it the "proper" way he would understand. He prefers it already cut off the cob.  Where is the fun in that?!? 
(Sorry this post has no puns.  I thought that adding one may make this post too "corny.") 

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