Friday, May 10, 2013

Dear Christopher and Banks,

Dear Christopher and Banks,
     I am not sure who to address this letter to; you Mr. Christopher, or you Mr. Banks.  I hope you do not mind that I decided on both.  I recently received your letter in the mail about not having shopped at your store for awhile.  Thank you for your concern and you are correct.  I can't even remember the last time I bought something in your store.  If I remember correctly it is because your clothes just do not fit me properly.  You see I have narrow shoulders and your shirts do not hang well on me.  Your skirts also fall at the wrong length on me making me look shorter and older than I already am!  They do not flatter my hips either! 
     That being said I do appreciate the $20.00 gift card you generously sent...

Twenty dollars off my next purchase?!? This is tempting.  I saw that purchase was starred and as a couponer I know there had to be a catch so I turned the card over.  Turns out there is no catch.  All I have to do is go to the checkout with a $20.00 purchase and I could get the item for FREE!  Maybe I will have to try out your store again.  So Mr. Christopher and Mr. Banks, I want to compliment you on your marketing plan.  I hope to see you before May 26, 2013. 
P. S.  If I do make the trip to your store and everything is marked for $19.99 you can expect another letter!

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