Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Bees New Dining Room Table

     Honey and I thought it was time to purchase a proper dining room table for our new hive.  The table we have now came in a box from Kmart.  Although it served its purpose quite nicely the last ten years, we are finding it rather small now that we have two children, and it's a little wobbly! 

This is where the new dining room table will go...

     There are lots of things to consider when buying a table.  What size? color? wood? Maybe that is why it took Honey and I two hours at the furniture store to decide!  Maybe I should say it took ME two hours at the furniture store to decide!   We settled on a solid oak table that will be made by Amish in Ohio.  (At least that is what we were told!)  The Amish have a lot of stain choices...

We took these to our new house and matched the color with our cabinets.  The one that matched was called "seely oak."

Now we will wait 6-12 weeks while a Mr. Byler, or a Mr. Yoder, or a Mr. Stoltzfus makes our table.  I do not know that these are their names, but its fun to imagine that these are their names!  Here is how I imagine it in my head...

Mr. Byler:  Ditcha cut down thu oak tree yet?
Mr. Yoder:  Na.  It be spritzing outside.
Mr. Byler: Ok.  Meppy we wait till tomara.
Mr. Stolzfus:   Ya, I agree.  Ve vouldn't want our hair to get all strubley in the rain.
Mr. Byler: Ok. Jist oughten them thar lights when ya leave. We still have 11 weeks to complete thee table.
Mr. Yoder: Ve have lights?

(Disclaimer: I come from a long line of Mennonites and Honey comes from the Dunkard Brethren so please know that I am not making fun.  I just find it fun to write like that! I was going to "table" the idea but I thought it was just too good not to post.  I have been known to use the all the above words at one time or another!)

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