Thursday, May 9, 2013

Bumble Puts On A "Show"

Bumble has a very active and vivid imagination.  She also has a creative mind.  (I have no idea who she inherited this from!)  She started putting on "shows" for us recently.  Sometimes these "shows" consist of artwork and sometimes these "shows" consist of plays. Sometimes they consist of both.  Here is how she prepared for one of her "shows" the other afternoon.
First she had to decorate...

Yes these are balloons taped to her wall.  I don't think she found this idea on pinterest! I thought it was harmless and then it turned into this about two hours later...

This was the artwork for the "art show" portion of the show.
Then she needed an audience so she dressed as many stuffed animals as she could find in her old baby clothes and shoes...

I don't think this dog was too impressed with his new shoes...

Neither was the cat...

Then she made a script for her "play"...

It was a sold out crowd...

She gave Honey, Stinger, and I tickets and we had reserved front row seats.  She then asked Honey to help her with her play because she needed a handsome prince.  She read from her "script" about how she was going to be late for the ball because the handsome prince hadn't picked her up yet!  Honey then ad libbed something to the effect that he was on his way.  It was a very cute and enjoyable show.  I believe her animals enjoyed it as well.  I was worried they wouldn't because as I looked around the room they all seemed a tad bit "stuffy"!

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