Honey is taking college classes again. Since he already has his masters in history, he decided to take more education classes this time.
Honey, and apparently Bumble as well, are learning how to be great principals. That's right. Honey decided to get his Principals Certificate. We all better be on our best "bee"havior!
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Just In Case You Are Wondering
Queen Bee is still alive, but my laptop is not. Stinger spilled milk on it, so now I have no home computer to write my posts. I feel a little lost without it. I have to use Honey's when he gets home from work and I don't always have time to write. That is not the only problem. The light bulb went out on our DLP-TV so we have no television at the moment either. Not that we watched the one channel we received, but I did enjoy Netflix every now and then. Since I do not own a cell phone, my only form of communication to the outside world during the day is by home phone or car. It's 5 degrees outside so I think I will use the home phone instead of the car. Speaking of the car, Stinger stuck a quarter in the CD player. We can hear it rolling around as we drive. Stinger also put an entire roll of toilet paper in our toilet. It's only Tuesday! It can only get better. Right?!?
Saturday, January 25, 2014
"Speak Life" Toby Mac
Bumble has been listening to a lot of music lately. Stinger of course loves this because he is a big music fan as well. One of the songs Bumble has been listening too is "Speak Life" by Toby Mac. Stinger loves this song and will come up to me an say " O E AHHH", which I discovered translates to Toby Mac! He can sing the tune pretty well. He walks around singing "E I , O O O O O" which translated to "Speak life, oh oh oh oh oh." This song is for Bumble and Stinger. Enjoy!
Friday, January 24, 2014
Honey Makes An Obstacle Course
My children are very active, especially Stinger. Because we are inside during these cold winter days they needed a way to release some energy. Tonight, Honey made an "safe" obstacle course in our living room area. It consisted of running, jumping off chairs, and jumping over toys! If you were blessed with children who are still, quiet, and do not move much, I hope you will not have a heart attack viewing these pictures.
So did his sister!
Bumble and Stinger jumped and ran through Honey's obstacle course for about a half hour without stopping. Then they took a water break and were at it again! Bedtime should go smoothly tonight with no complaints!
Notice the big smile on his face...
and his gorgeous hair...
He landed on his feet every time.
Bumble and Stinger jumped and ran through Honey's obstacle course for about a half hour without stopping. Then they took a water break and were at it again! Bedtime should go smoothly tonight with no complaints!
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
The Bees Are Cold
Our inside weather center does show negative temperatures!
I think the Bees will just stay in our hive today!
Monday, January 20, 2014
A Bee C News
Topping our headlines this week... Numerous stuffed animals and babies were seen parading around the hive this week. No word yet as to what they were celebrating...
We are told that concerns were brought up about the nude baby leading the parade. Not to worry. Those concerns were ad"dress"ed and we are told the baby is now wearing clothing.
After the parade the animals and babies were all invited to a delightful picnic in the foyer...
Moving now to traffic...
We are told that concerns were brought up about the nude baby leading the parade. Not to worry. Those concerns were ad"dress"ed and we are told the baby is now wearing clothing.
After the parade the animals and babies were all invited to a delightful picnic in the foyer...
They ate and ate until they were all "stuffed"!
Then they were all too tired to move so they rested.
Moving now to traffic...
If traveling on any of the area rugs this week, keep alert due to all the "weaving" that has been seen in this area lately!
This has been A Bee C News. Thanks for viewing!!
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Queen Bee Tries To Be More Loving
Saturday, Queen Bee was mad as a hornet! Honey spent Saturday morning and most of the day painting our bedroom languid blue. Honey and I both loved the color. Unfortunately, we ran out of paint in the afternoon before Honey could finish, so we drove to Mr. Sherwin William's store to buy some more. Honey told the employee what we needed and then back home we went with more languid blue paint. While Honey was rolling the new paint on the walls that needed finished, I started the bedtime routine with the kids. After the snacks, teeth brushing, and book reading, I went to our bedroom to tell Honey that the kids were ready to tell him goodnight. As soon as I walked in I knew something was wrong. The pretty languid blue walls I had fallen in love with in the morning, now looked like they were threw up on by the shiniest robin's egg in the whole entire world! The glossy walls were hard to look at because of the glare, and they were no longer languid! Upon a little more investigation we discovered that the employee at Sherwin Williams gave us languid blue in a semi-gloss finish instead of satin. Honey knew things like this make me angry, so he went to say goodnight to the kids.
While I was getting ready for bed, I tried to figure out what to do. My "Type A" personality wanted to go to the paint store right then and there and tell the employee what he did and how we were going to have to paint it all again because of his mistake. Honey who is Type "everything will be ok" and Type "doesn't get worked up about anything" told me that it was no big deal and to go to bed. While I laid in bed surrounded by the imperfect walls I could not sleep. Why do things like this bother me so bad?!? It is in moments like this that I am glad I attend Sunday School and am married to one of the teachers! We are currently studying from a book entitled, God's Love Alive In You by Kay Arthur and David Lawson. Honey, in a very loving way, reminded me I needed to be more loving toward the employee that made the mistake and inconvenienced us.
I John 4:7-8 says: Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God: and every one that loveth is born of God and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
I John 4:20 says: If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?
After Honey's reminder, I changed my attitude and realized it was not the end of the world. I finally fell asleep thankful that is was dark enough that I couldn't see the shiny walls. Eventually, we drove back to Sherwin Williams and I calmly and lovingly explained what had happened. The employee working mixed us the satin paint we needed and we headed home. I had every intention of paying for the new gallon of paint. However, the employee thanked us for being so "good" about the situation and told us he would not charge us for the gallon!
Tonight I plan on sleeping peacefully with no worries in our shiny blue room with my Sunday School teacher!
While I was getting ready for bed, I tried to figure out what to do. My "Type A" personality wanted to go to the paint store right then and there and tell the employee what he did and how we were going to have to paint it all again because of his mistake. Honey who is Type "everything will be ok" and Type "doesn't get worked up about anything" told me that it was no big deal and to go to bed. While I laid in bed surrounded by the imperfect walls I could not sleep. Why do things like this bother me so bad?!? It is in moments like this that I am glad I attend Sunday School and am married to one of the teachers! We are currently studying from a book entitled, God's Love Alive In You by Kay Arthur and David Lawson. Honey, in a very loving way, reminded me I needed to be more loving toward the employee that made the mistake and inconvenienced us.
I John 4:7-8 says: Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God: and every one that loveth is born of God and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
I John 4:20 says: If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?
After Honey's reminder, I changed my attitude and realized it was not the end of the world. I finally fell asleep thankful that is was dark enough that I couldn't see the shiny walls. Eventually, we drove back to Sherwin Williams and I calmly and lovingly explained what had happened. The employee working mixed us the satin paint we needed and we headed home. I had every intention of paying for the new gallon of paint. However, the employee thanked us for being so "good" about the situation and told us he would not charge us for the gallon!
Tonight I plan on sleeping peacefully with no worries in our shiny blue room with my Sunday School teacher!
Friday, January 17, 2014
Dear Assorted Cake Doughnut Maker
Dear Assorted Cake Doughnut Maker,
On behalf of everyone I would like to inform you that no one likes the plain boring doughnuts in your assortment.
On behalf of everyone I would like to inform you that no one likes the plain boring doughnuts in your assortment.
They would rather eat the powdered sugar coated ones. As proof in the photo above, the boring ones are the last ones to get eaten. Even though some of the sugary powder from the other doughnuts rubbed off on them I still could get no takers. I am usually the one that partakes of them after my family has eaten all the good ones. What is more alarming is reading the nutrition facts on your assorted doughnuts. Why are the plain doughnuts higher in calories and fat than the powdered ones? Not only am I left with the plain doughnuts, but I am eating more calories and fat too. This makes no sense. Why not save the "dough" you are spending on the extra fat for the plain doughnuts and use that money to powder them instead? This makes better business sense if you ask me. Your consumers will be happier and thinner. Being thinner may help them live longer, which means you will sell more doughnuts!
Queen Bee
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Queen Bee Is Daring and Languid
What color will Honey and I's bedroom be? We have chosen Sherwin William's color Languid Blue. Blue is more daring than cream and brown. I don't know what has gotten into me. By the way, languid means lacking energy and drooping as if from exhaustion. I think this fits us perfectly after my long day taking care of Bumble and Stinger and Honey's day at work!
If you would like to see this daring blue color you can click here and it will take you to Mr. Sherwin Williams lovely website. I did have a funny sentence here but because of it's subject matter I opted not to publish it. I guess my daring streak is over already!
If you would like to see this daring blue color you can click here and it will take you to Mr. Sherwin Williams lovely website. I did have a funny sentence here but because of it's subject matter I opted not to publish it. I guess my daring streak is over already!
Monday, January 13, 2014
The Bee's Are Bored
Honey and I have come to the conclusion that we dislike winter, especially the cold. I think January and February are the two longest month of the year especially for those that have young children. It is too cold to go outside so we are stuck inside all day, every day. I think it is starting to effect Bumble and Stinger...
I think they are definitely head cases!
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Bumble's Conveyor Belt
Bumble is my creative one. She is constantly coming up with "projects" that she thinks would be fun to do. She asked me the other day if she could borrow the trash bags. This was a strange request, but I said yes.
First she lined up the dining room chairs and then taped the trash bags together to form a line...
Please tell me this kind of "play" is normal! Where she comes up with these ideas I'll never know!
First she lined up the dining room chairs and then taped the trash bags together to form a line...
She worked very hard on this...
I asked her what she was making and she answered, "A conveyor belt, Mommy!"
Then she went on to explain to me that this was a conveyor belt for the mail, and how the mail runs on the belt and gets sorted. She made letters for everyone and sent them down the belt and they landed in a grocery bag to get delivered.
Please tell me this kind of "play" is normal! Where she comes up with these ideas I'll never know!
Friday, January 10, 2014
A Bee Gives A Tour
Welcome to our freshly painted hive. Lets take a look around...
The mirror I chose for the foyer area is the only thing I am unsure about. Finding a mirror to work in this arched area was challenging because of size and a square mirror just didn't look right. I found this one at Hobby Lobby in the clearance section for $20.00. I decided to buy it and see what it looked like in the space. At first I thought I liked it, and then I thought I didn't, and now I think it's growing on me.
(The reflection you see in the mirror is our front door.) I think I will put a vase with flowers on the opposite side of the candles. Maybe that will tame down the mirror. I would also like to find some long vertical pictures to hang on either side of the arch as well.
Now that this area is finished being painted, our bedroom is next. What color will the Bees choose? We are definitely going with color this time. Can you believe it?!
What do you think of the color? Sherwin Williams rice grain color turned out a little more cream than my original plan but the color has grown on me and now I like it. The color is working well with my blue, green, brown, winter color scheme. I also seem to have a nature theme going on as well.
Here is the dining area...
Honey even had time to hang some artwork on the wall...
Here is the kitchen. I love the shiny white columns. We painted these with Sherwin Williams extra white semi-gloss paint. This is also the same paint we used on the fireplace.
As you can see I have some wall decor but very little accessories. I am enjoying searching websites on the Internet for accessory ideas.
I can see a vase with white flowers sitting on top of this desk, and three decorative baskets that fit nicely in the three slots. This desks sits right around the corner from our front door and the baskets would be useful to hold keys, stamps, and mail. I also would like to find a small comfy chair to put here as well.
The mirror I chose for the foyer area is the only thing I am unsure about. Finding a mirror to work in this arched area was challenging because of size and a square mirror just didn't look right. I found this one at Hobby Lobby in the clearance section for $20.00. I decided to buy it and see what it looked like in the space. At first I thought I liked it, and then I thought I didn't, and now I think it's growing on me.
(The reflection you see in the mirror is our front door.) I think I will put a vase with flowers on the opposite side of the candles. Maybe that will tame down the mirror. I would also like to find some long vertical pictures to hang on either side of the arch as well.
Now that this area is finished being painted, our bedroom is next. What color will the Bees choose? We are definitely going with color this time. Can you believe it?!
Thursday, January 9, 2014
A BEE C News
Our top story this week has been the cold weather.
It has been so cold that a Honey Bee had off school on Tuesday due to the low temperatures. The Bees have decided that their "weather center" doesn't show temperatures lower than 0 degrees!
In other news, Queen Bee is finding getting the mail quite humorous these days.
Every day a new package arrives with a lovely picture of a newborn on it.
and with sayings like this...
Queen Bee would like her mailman to know not to believe any of this.
Now lets turn to traffic. Due to hard financial times the Calico Critters have decided to turn their townhouse into a parking garage to earn some extra cash. If you are downtown and in need of a parking space, be sure to see the bunny on the stairs for assistance.
This has been A BEE C News. Join us tomorrow for a tour of the Bees newly painted living room, dining room, kitchen, and foyer!
Monday, January 6, 2014
A Bee Is Sad
Honey had to go back to work today after being off for two weeks. Bumble who is attached to her daddy was quite sad about this. She told him last night that she wanted him to draw a picture of himself so she could look at it today and remember him! I was thankful for the two hour delay they had this morning, that way Bumble could be awake to say her goodbyes. Here she is waiting for Honey to pull out of the driveway...
and watching him disappear down the road...
I knew I had to keep her busy so we played school with her stuffed animals, worked on her scrapbook, and I let her bake and decorate a cake...
She showed it to daddy as soon as he walked in the door. I can only imagine how happy she will be when she learns daddy has off tomorrow because of the cold weather. She will be thrilled!
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Queen Bee Makes Southwest Bean Salsa
This is a recipe I received a while ago from my sister-in-law. I hope she won't mind if I share it with you all! Here is the recipe for Southwest Bean Salad...
1- 15 oz. shoe peg corn (drain & rinse)
1-15 oz. black beans (drain & rinse)
1- 15 oz. black eye peas (drain & rinse)
2 cloves garlic minced
1/2 cup fresh parsley chopped
6 green onions chopped
1 green pepper chopped
1 red pepper chopped
12 oz. zesty Italian dressing
salt and pepper to taste
Mix all the ingredients together...
and then refrigerate for 24 hours before serving. That is the hardest part of this recipe...waiting a whole entire day before you can devour it. I promise it will be worth the wait! Then eat it with your favorite tortilla chips!
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year from the Bees! I wish I could say the Bees had an eventful New Years Eve, but all I can report is that we were all tucked in our warm beds fast asleep! It was lovely! Stinger did not nap during the day, so he fell asleep at 7:00pm. Bumble was asleep by 8:30pm. Honey and I by 10:30pm! I was, however, rudely awakened at midnight due to guns going off in every direction around us. I never realized how many people did that until we moved here! It went on and on for about fifteen minutes. Me, being the light sleeper and self appointed night watchguard, was the only one to awake! Honey who could sleep through a freight train coming through the room slept right through it and I let him sleep. I knew he was worn out. This is what he has been doing this past week...
We did go with the rice grain paint color by Sherwin Williams. I think it turned out well. It does look more yellow than what I originally expected, but I think that is due to our wood trim and lighting. The color really brought out the red tint in our trim. Up next is painting the fireplace which we are leaving white. It only has primer on it now. I am exciting to finally start hanging pictures on the walls and making it feel like our home!
He painted all of our ceilings...
and is soon finished with the walls.
We did go with the rice grain paint color by Sherwin Williams. I think it turned out well. It does look more yellow than what I originally expected, but I think that is due to our wood trim and lighting. The color really brought out the red tint in our trim. Up next is painting the fireplace which we are leaving white. It only has primer on it now. I am exciting to finally start hanging pictures on the walls and making it feel like our home!
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