Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Just In Case You Are Wondering

 Queen Bee is still alive, but my laptop is not.  Stinger spilled milk on it, so now I have no home computer to write my posts.  I feel a little lost without it.  I have to use Honey's when he gets home from work and I don't always have time to write.   That is not the only problem.  The light bulb went out on our DLP-TV so we have no television at the moment either.  Not that we watched the one channel we received, but I did enjoy Netflix every now and then.  Since I do not own a cell phone,  my only form of communication to the outside world during the day is by home phone or car.  It's 5 degrees outside so I think I will use the home phone instead of the car.  Speaking of the car, Stinger stuck a quarter in the CD player.  We can hear it rolling around as we drive.  Stinger also put an entire roll of toilet paper in our toilet.   It's only Tuesday!  It can only get better. Right?!?


  1. I'm sorry. I think that happened while we were there. I started to sing 'London Bridge' and they ran for the laptop and Hayden and Steve were listening to it, then 'chuck the truck'. The next thing I knew I was being alerted to the milk on the laptop. I'm so sorry. Gramma B

  2. It's ok. Stinger is unpredictable. The good news is that the tv is now fixed! With the new light blub in it, it's almost to bright to look at!
