Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from the Bees!  I wish I could say the Bees had an eventful New Years Eve, but all I can report is that we were all tucked in our warm beds fast asleep!  It was lovely!  Stinger did not nap during the day, so he fell asleep at 7:00pm.  Bumble was asleep by 8:30pm.  Honey and I by 10:30pm!   I was, however, rudely awakened at midnight due to guns going off in every direction around us.  I never realized how many people did that until we moved here!  It went on and on for about fifteen minutes.  Me, being the light sleeper and self appointed night watchguard, was the only one to awake!  Honey who could sleep through a freight train coming through the room slept right through it and I let him sleep.  I knew he was worn out.  This is what he has been doing this past week...

He painted all of our ceilings...

and is soon finished with the walls.

We did go with the rice grain paint color by Sherwin Williams.  I think it turned out well.  It does look more yellow than what I originally expected, but I think that is due to our wood trim and lighting.  The color really brought out the red tint in our trim.  Up next is painting the fireplace which we are leaving white.  It only has primer on it now.  I am exciting to finally start hanging pictures on the walls and making it feel like our home!

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