Those of you that read this blog regularly probably remember that I contacted the Early Intervention program in our area in March due to the fact that Stinger lost the ability to say "mama" and "dada" and he seemed to have odd behaviors such as very little eye contact and he was always in motion. Taking him to places other than our home was not fun. He would always scream and cry! He would not sleep through the night and we were all pretty much miserable!
Since then I have changed Stingers diet. He is gluten-free, dairy-free, dye-free and chemical-free! This basically means he eats "REAL" food!
Wow! What a difference this has made! I thought I would make a list of all the new things he can now do that he couldn't do before the diet and therapy. Praise God! It is a long list! I feel like I have a different child!
1. Stinger sleeps through the night.
2. Stinger takes a daily three hour nap during the day.
Stinger likes us now! He wants to spend time with us instead of just walking around aimlessly.
4. Stinger hugs us!
5. Stinger kisses us! (sometimes he initiates it!)
6. Stinger plays with Bumble.
7. Stinger started to play with other children!
8. Stinger looks at me when I talk to him.
9. Stinger will make eye contact with others.
10. Stinger will sit on the floor and play with toys.
11. Stinger babbles.
12. Stinger can say "whee!"
13. I heard Stinger say"mom" one time. (He has never said it again but I don't care. He said it once and that is all that matters!)
14. Stinger knows the sign for "more."
15. Stinger knows the sign for "car."
16. Stinger knows the sign for "shoes."
17. Stinger knows the sign for "eat."
18. Stinger knows the sign for "milk."
19. Stinger knows the sign for "ball."
20 Stinger knows the sign for "fix."
21. Stinger knows the sign for "socks."
22. Stinger knows the sign for "help."
23. Stinger knows the sign for "all done."
24. Stinger knows the sign for "fish."
25. Stinger now knows he has a tongue. (This just happened this week. He stuck out his tongue for the very first time.)
26. Stinger can identify every letter of the alphabet by pointing.
and the most important thing of all....
Stinger is a happy boy!
Introducing you to my new little happy boy, Stinger!
There are some things of course that we are still working on. He still will not let me hold him and cuddle him for very long. I appreciate every hug and kiss he gives me! He is also still off-the-chart overly active. We still do not eat at restaurants as a family because it is IMPOSSIBLE! I often get asked the question, "Is he like this all the time?" The answer is yes! The next question that usually follows that one is, "How do you do it all day?" The answer to that question is, "I just do!"
Next week, I will explain some of the therapy techniques the therapists are using to address Stinger's sensory issues. They seem a little strange at first, but they work!