Thursday, July 11, 2013

A Bee Loses A Tooth

  Congratulations Bumble!

She lost her first tooth! Bumble was eating corn on the cob the other night and bit down and said "ow"! I asked her what was wrong and she said her tooth hurt.  The word cavity entered my mind, but later when Honey brushed her teeth that evening he realized that her bottom tooth was really loose.  That was all Bumble needed to hear and the wiggling began!   She even requested food that was hard so she could bite down on it!  She wanted the tooth out!  It finally came out while she was eating cereal.  She was so thrilled!  I have to admit I was not expecting Bumble to lose a tooth this early.  She is only 4 1/2.  Don't children usually lose their first tooth when they are in kindergarten? Anyway, Bumble is quite happy about it so I guess that is all that matters.

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