Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Bee's Sticks And Stones

Honey works with a young man that offered the help of his young adult Sunday school class to help us pick up our sticks and rocks in our yard.   During the summer this group of young people go around in the community helping people out.  Can you believe they were having trouble finding somebody to help?  Honey took him up on this idea and they arrived tonight with lots of youthful energy!
As it turns out I know the woman that is one of the leaders of the group. I thought I recognized her, and when I heard her name I knew exactly why she looked familiar!  I went to church with her when I was younger.  It was fun catching up on what we have been up to the last several years.  After talking to a lot of these young people, I learned that many of them know some of our family and Honey even coached one of them!
 Here are Bumble and Stinger helping to pick up sticks and rocks before they arrived...  
 They thought this was fun...

Stinger liked carrying the dirt around...

A big THANK YOU goes out to this group of exceptional young people!  We were truly blessed by all your hard work and enjoyed your fellowship.  I will have to post a picture of the results!   

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