Monday, June 24, 2013

Bumble and Stinger's Playhouse

     Bumble found a piece of cardboard in our basement.  It came from a package that a window screen had been delivered in.  She asked me if she could use it and I told her yes.  I could tell by the way her face lit up that she had big plans for this huge piece of cardboard.  Later on I went to check on her and she was in her room with all of her recently organized art supplies, decorating the piece of cardboard.  I told her if she wanted to she could continue decorating it on the deck. This was my way of saying that I didn't want marker all over your new room! Moving it outside sounded fun to her.  Even Stinger joined in...
I don't know if you can tell but she drew a picture of a singer on stage.
The next day it became their playhouse...

Then bumble added more stuffed animals.  I can tell Stinger loves having a creative big sister like Bumble. 

I wonder what other fun stuff can be found in our basement?

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