Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Bees Settle In

Wow, what a week this has been! The Bees are enjoying getting used to their new hive.  I feel like I am on vacation and living at a hotel, except I brought my own bed with me! Our occupancy permit arrived in the mail today so I guess this really is our official hive now!  Needless to say, we have been busy going through things and trying to decide the best place to put them.  There are still boxes sitting everywhere...

  Bumble and Stinger are enjoying the extra space and loving it!  Stinger has been exploring everywhere and everything in our new hive.  He has been getting into lots of mischief.  He now knows that this is not a good idea...

(The getting into the refrigerator part. Not the pink crocs. Although, that is also not a good idea Stinger!)
He is also figuring out which wall switches control which lights and he likes to open and shut all the bedroom doors. 

Stinger and Bumble have been playing together a lot which makes it easier for me to get things done.
He thinks she is hilarious.

All in all we have had a fun but extremely busy and tiring week.  We love our new hive and all the work is worth it!  Now please excuse me while Honey and I sit and relax!


  1. I was getting concerned about you since you didn't post at your "normal time." Enjoy your relaxation time.

  2. Thanks for your concern! I never found the time the other day to write something. I was so tired! I thought my readers would forgive me...and understand!
