Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Bees New Dining Room Table: The Final Update

The Bee's dining room table arrived on Saturday as scheduled.

Here is another view.  Notice the adventurous, but dangerous stools just for Stinger.

I am thankful he has yet to learn how to get up on these.  I have to lift him in order for him to be able to sit on them.  I also have to get him down as he has not figured out how to do so.  He still loves them because he gets to be up high.
Here is the final edition of how I imagine the conversation in the Amish workshop on delivery day...
Mr. Byler:  Today ve deliver thee table to the Bees.  Is it done?
Mr. Stolzfus:  Yah, I vorked into thee night last night to git it done.  It looks pretty gut.  Wunst it got to be past midnight my vife finally made me oughtened the candle and said to git thee to bed. 
Mr. Byler: Dank ye for all yer hard vork.
Mr. Stolzfus:  How many horses shuld I hitch to thee vagon?  Will it take vone horsepower or two?
Mr. Byler:  The Bees live way over yonder. I'll jist load it up in thee truck.
Mr. Stolzfus: Ve have a motor powered vehicle?

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