Thursday, June 27, 2013

Bumble's Easy Bake Oven

Recently, Bumble was given an Easy Bake Oven.  As soon as Honey brought it home she could not wait to make something. 
She decided to make cookies like the ones shown on the package in the picture above.
After a little supervision from mama, she finally was able to get the mix to resemble cookies...

Then we had to preheat the Easy Bake Oven...

and twelve minutes later Bumble baked one cookie.

It took an hour to bake all four cookies she made!!! This oven sure does teach patience!  Then she sampled them...

I think she liked them.  She wanted to make more after we were finished. However, after an hour of baking one cookie at a time mama was done.  I prefer to bake them in larger batches!  

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