Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Bees Have Bugs

     It happened at night.  Stinger was asleep and Honey was tucking Bumble in bed.  I suddenly remembered that I forgot to water the plant on the back deck.  I filled a large cup with water and turned on the outside light by the back deck.  I opened the door and bam! Something large came flying at me and flew directly into my forehead.  I was so startled I spilled the water all over the kitchen floor! I then proceeded to search the kitchen for the large creature that attacked me.  Honey then entered the kitchen while I was cleaning up the water and wondered what happened.  I told him that I was attacked by a bird!.  It felt like a bird anyway.  We could not find this "bird" anywhere so we sat quietly in the sofa and waited.... and waited... until we heard it.  Honey got his weapon of choice... the fly swatter... and proceeded to swat the flying thing.  He finally got it...


Ok so it wasn't a bird.  It was a very large moth.  I am going to have to venture out and get some bug spray or some candles to keep all these moths and bugs away.  If we turn on our deck light or porch light at night even for a minute we have swarms of mosquitos and moths just ready to devour us.  Anybody else live near lots of trees and know what I can spray or do so we can enjoy our deck at night? 

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