or maybe not. He loved to climb out of his old highchair when I wasn't looking. He loved to stand up in it, rock back and forth in it, and dangle from it. He had fun scaring me. He thought it was funny. Unfortunately, Stinger is finding regular chairs boring. They are lacking the danger, height, and thrills that he seeks. Maybe he will like the new dining room table I ordered better, because two stools for the kitchen counter are being delivered with it. I made sure to order the ones that contain danger, height, and thrills just for him! This should cheer Stinger up a bit. I called to check on the status of our new Amish dining room table and well, here is how I imagine the conversation going in their workshop after I hung up...
Mr. Byler: How is the Bees' table coming along?
Mr. Stolzfus: I gut thee oak tree cut down now that thee spritzing stopped. Now ve jist gut to put it together. Meppy I'll get it done this veek.
Mr. Byler: Ok, Queen Bee called and vas vondering.
Mr. Stolzfus: Ve have a telephone?
Mr. Byler: Ya and ve dairsent make Queen Bee vait. She has a blog ya know. Ve vouldn't vant her to vrite anything bad aboat our business. There are a lot of English that read it!
This just in...I found out that our dining room table and dangerous, tall, thrilling bar stools are to be delivered this Saturday. I can't wait and neither can Stinger!
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