Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Dear Mrs. Wages

Dear Mrs. Wages,
     I don't know if you read my blog, but I got myself into a pickle the other day!  I know you have probably been in lots of pickles before as well.  That is why I turned to you to help me out of it!  If anyone knows about pickles it is you.  I used your pickle mixes and I have to say the directions were so easy to follow.  So far we Bees have sampled the lime, bread and butter, and sweet pickles we made, and they are delicious!  In fact I consumed an entire quart of the lime pickles in 2 days!  That is how delicious they are.  Honey says this is better than watching me eat a plate full of sliced raw cucumbers drenched in vinegar and salt which I have been known to consume.  I am sure my vinegar cravings are a result of a nutritional deficiency but I have no idea what I am deficient in other than vinegar.  So thank you Mrs. Wages for all your pickle knowledge.  I couldn't have gotten myself out of the pickle I was in without you!  If you could figure out a way to pickle eggs in a quick and efficient way you could probably add to your wages!
                                                                                           A satisfied customer,
                                                                                           Queen Bee


  1. Thank you so much Queen Bee! We love happy customers.

    Mrs. Wages Customer Care

  2. Thank you Queen Bee, Mrs. Wages loves to hear the buzz from happy hives. We have a new refrigerator pickle this season and it is delicious, look for Mrs. Wages Refrigerator Medium Spicy Pickle mix in your local store. If you do not find the product on your shelves, ask the manager to order it!
