Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Bees' Walnut Tree

Honey and I decided we were not in love with our big black walnut tree anymore.  Part of it seemed to be dead, and we decided it had to go before we planted grass seed.    Honey decided he would try his hand at being a lumberjack...
  I know this doesn't look like the smartest idea, but who am I to question my master-degree holding Honey! 
Luckily, the tree fell the direction he wanted it too fall. 

Good job, Honey! 

Bumble and Stinger loved playing in the tree once it was down. 

I am positive they will both be cast in the next Swiss Family Robinson movie!
Honey also tried his hand at furniture making.  Apparently anybody holding a Master's degree can use a chainsaw to make furniture too!

Did you know a solid wood black walnut chair can cost around $500.00 and up?!?

Honey sure did save us a lot of money! 
We plan on making a campfire space in the woods.  Stinger has already claimed this chair as his!

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