Monday, February 4, 2013

Cheap Cereal At Weis This Week

Are you ready for a great cereal deal? This week at Weis selected General Mills cereals are on sale for $1.49.  You must buy 4 cereals to receive this price.  Also when you buy 8 General Mills cereals you get a coupon for free milk!  You wouldn't think this deal could get any better, but yes it does!!!
Three cereals that are included in this deal that you will find coupons for are Cheerios, Total Whole Grain, and Cinnamon Toast Crunch.  Coupons for all of these cereals are available at  The Cheerios and Cinnamon Toast Crunch coupons are for $0.50 off of one box, which will double to $1.00 off of one box.  The Total Whole Grain coupon is for $0.75 off of one box and if you store fully doubles coupons it will double to $1.50. 

Here is the best scenario for this sale if you have access to 2 computers:

              4- Total Whole Grain Cereal x $1.49= $5.96
Use 4- $0.75 off of one box (double to $1.50)= -6.00
  = make a profit of 4 cents!!!

Plus if you do this deal twice you will get free milk as well!! Free breakfast is the best!!

If you only have access to one computer you can use any combination of the cereal above and still get a great deal.  Here is an example of what I did:

2- Cinnamon Toast Crunch= $2.98
2- Total Whole Grain= $2.98
Total= $5.96
Minus $5.00 in coupons    
My total was $0.96 for 4 boxes of cereal!!

You would think Bumble would be thrilled with getting Cinnamon Toast Crunch this week.  Well she was, but tomorrow I will post what made her jump up and down and shout for joy! 

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