Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Stinger's Toothbrush

Stinger's teeth came in very early.  It seemed like he had a complete set when he turned one.  We started including him in teeth brushing time awhile ago.  This is a normal teeth brushing scene that occurs in our hive just before bedtime.

Stinger loves to brush his teeth.
 He loves to play with the water.

There's just one problem. He loves to put his toothbrush down the drain!  The one you are witnessing in the drain was the third toothbrush to get up an up close and personal view of what's down there.  All we have to do is turn our backs and he does it.  He is so quick.  Bumble never would have even thought of this when she was his age.  I am amazed at how different my children are!

 By the way, I hesitated putting this picture on because of my dirty bathroom sink. I will swallow my pride. I promise I do clean! 
Here are the toothbrush extracting tools that I keep nearby the sink. 
 The most effective one is usually the good old pair of tweezers, but this all depends if he puts it down the drain bristles first or handle first.  From now on Stinger will be strictly supervised at teeth brushing time and the toothbrushes are at a place where Stinger cannot get to them.  I'm starting to get a "sink"ing feeling that I may get to know our plumber quite well as he is growing up! 

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