Friday, February 22, 2013

Funny Bunny

      The Bees did not have the best week. There was the time Sunday when all of us were locked out of our hive because someone forgot the keys. Then there was the time we ran out of kerosene because someone forgot to check it. While Honey and my father were figuring out our heating situation, I had Bumble and Stinger at my parent's house so they would stay warm.  While there Bumble found this stuffed bunny...

She brought it home with her and informed me that it was the bunny's birthday.  She made him a birthday hat...

It made me laugh.

She also made it a yard to play in...

Here is the bunny in the yard at it's birthday party!

When things go wrong I can always count on Bumble's imagination to cheer me up. Funny Bunny!

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