Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Bees Indoor Sliding Board

Somedays it can be very difficult to keep Stinger entertained.  I try my best, but his idea of fun isn't always mama's idea.  His entertainment must consist of height, danger, and speed all of which is hard to provide in our hive!  I will admit I am ready for spring to get here, so I can spend time outside on our swingset with my children.  Outside is where they are happiest! 
Stinger pushed a chair over the other day and then started climbing on it.  It reminded me of a sliding board.  So here is Stinger on his inside slide.  This activity contains height, danger, and speed so he was quite entertained for some time! 
Here he is climbing the slide.

and going down...


He had a blast and I am happy to report no splinters were involved!
Of course he had to climb up the slide when he was done!

Oh Stinger! Normally I would not condone this type of behavior, but I know you were bored.  I guess I'll let it "slide" this time! 


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