Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Ultimate Laundry Basket Climbing Experience

Last week during a day that seemed to go on forever and included nothing but laundry, I had a brilliant idea.   After the third time of prying Stinger off my kitchen counter it came to me.  Why not give him the ultimate laundry basket climbing experience?  So I lined up three of my laundry baskets... 
and just let him climb...


and jump...

It seemed to work well.  He forgot about my kitchen counter and was content with climbing on these.  Until...
Bumble thought she would do what Stinger was doing.  She fell straight through after she jumped on it.  She felt soooo bad for breaking my laundry basket.  Of course her first response was, "It's ok Mommy.  We'll tape it!"  In her mind tape fixes anything! I explained that this basket will be put out with the trash this week!  Oh well, the ultimate laundry basket climbing experience was nice while it lasted. Even though my laundry basket broke, I enjoyed my break from pulling Stinger off my counter!

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