Monday, October 22, 2012

Bumble the Photographer

Every now and then Bumble will take my digital camera and try her hand at photography.  When I download the pictures off of the camera to the computer, I am always amazed at what she takes pictures of.  I like these surprises though. They make me laugh. It's nice to see life from her perspective.
These photos were taken by Bumble on the way home from a recent wedding...
She calls these her "princess shoes"
I wish I could see Stinger's eyes on this one.
Here is her view of us from her booster seat.

These pictures were taken by Bumble at our home.  This is through the bottom of our front screen door...

Here is a closeup of her blue princess dress- and I do mean close up!

and lets not forget about her self portraits...

Good job Bumble! You are an excellent photographer!

1 comment:

  1. They make me laugh also, Bumble! Gramma B
