Monday, October 29, 2012

The Bees Go To A Fall Fest, Part 4

Our final hours at Fall Fest were well spent.  Pine Grove Furnace State Park is beautiful this time of year.  While I enjoyed looking at colorful trees, Bumble enjoyed looking for critters. 

Of course she is drawn to caterpillars. Or is it the other way around?

In this picture Bumble and Stinger are trying to devise a plan...

 to get me to say yes to this activity...

I gave in.

They had fun rolling around in the straw.  It got in their hair and shoes and pants and coats and pockets.  But the last straw was when...

Just kidding.  I had to use that phrase somewhere in this post. I was fine with all of it.  I enjoyed watching them. 

Next we went on a hayride.  These were the lovely people that went with us.   Apparently they are not afraid of a couple of Bees!

Here is Bumble...
and Honey and Stinger on the hayride.    

That was the last activity we did at Fall Fest.  After that, we bought Mama Bairs Hoagies (this was indeed the real name of the hoagie stand) to eat on the car ride home.  They were delicious.   I got onions on mine and the smell of them was so strong that Honey was convinced he had onions on his hoagie to.  He said the "smell was strong enough to taste!"  Honey only likes cooked onions.  He is not a big fan of raw onions, although I have seen him eat them on hot dogs.  He drowns them in ketchup so he probably doesn't taste them.  Anyway, thank you Mama Bair for feeding the hungry Bees! 
I encourage you to find free events like this in your community.  This event was very child friendly.  It was nice to enjoy a beautiful day outdoors with my family.  There may not be many warm days left this year.  Then, us bees will have to stay huddled close together in our hive! 

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