Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Bees Get A Pet

Thank you to all my faithful readers that read the post "The One About the Chrysalis." It was one of my most viewed posts. I never knew that everybody would find the life cycle of a butterfly so fascinating!!! Well this post is about what happened after posting that wonderful story. My dear younger sister called me to let me know that her garden was crawling with caterpillars! She said if Bumble wanted a caterpillar she could have one, and watch for herself the life cycle of a butterfly.  Here is Bumble before we left for my sister's house...

The upscale caterpillar home is thanks to my dear older sister. She must have curious kids as well! 
Off to my dear younger sister's house we go. Ok, lets see of we can find a nice plump one...

I think Bumble spied one.
                                                                ewwww! It's squirmy!
 I think he is the one. Let's meet our new family pet...

                    Everyone, let me introduce you to Buzz the caterpillar!! Welcome to the family Buzz!

Let's put him in his new luxurious home!      

  Bumble, show Buzz to your aunt...

Stinger wants to meet Buzz too...

Thanks my dear younger sister for Buzz the caterpillar!!!! Now let's see if Queen Bee can keep him alive long enough for him to turn into a chrysalis.  Stay tuned!!!

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