Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Bees Eat Healthy

After admitting to everyone in the post "The Bees Make Apple Crisp" that Honey and I finished off the entire dish in less than 48 hours, I thought I should post what we ate last night for dinner to redeem ourselves. So here you go...

See we eat healthy too.  A nice lovely salad.  Under all that full fat cheddar cheese made with whole milk are vegetables.  Green ones and red ones.  Lettuce, broccoli, cucumber, green pepper, and tomato.  I better not forget to include the cholesterol-ridden, yolk included, hard boil eggs. To me that is what makes a salad!  And somewhere hidden in this bowl are pieces of thick center cut full sodium pieces of bacon! Ok. I am ready to dig in.  Where's my full caloric buttermilk ranch dressing? See I told you the Bee's can eat healthy!!

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