Monday, October 1, 2012

The Bees Make Apple Crisp

The Bees have been blessed with apples.  Our neighbor gave us about sixty or so the other day.  Since these were cooking apples the Queen started looking around the hive for some recipes. I finally decided to be brave and try a new recipe for apple crisp.  Let's see how it turns out! Here are the ingredients:

10 cups sliced apples
1 1/2 cups brown sugar, divided
1 cup water
2 Tablespoons cornstarch
1 Tablespoon cinnamon
1 1/2 cups flour
1 1 /4 cups rolled oats
3/4 cup melted butter
wait...what is that thing on the table in the green? I don't think that is on my list of ingredients.  
Let's take a closer look...

Oh, that's just our cat, Bumble! (Just to fill you in, this photo was not staged.  Our cat Bumble climbed up on the table and made herself comfy after I got out all the ingredients! I didn't have the heart to tell her to move!)

Now back to the recipe.  First peel and slice 10 cups of apples. This is by far the hardest part of this recipe! When you are finished put them in a 13"x9" baking dish.

Next, lets make the ooey gooey sauce that gets poured over the apples. For this, combine 1 cup of the brown sugar, 1 cup water, and 2 Tablespoons cornstarch.

Cook mixture on the stove, on low to medium heat, until it thickens....


 Pour the ooey gooey sauce over the apples...

I think an apple just smiled at me!  They must like the ooey gooey sauce! (Sorry, Stinger has me sleep deprived!)  Now sprinkle them with cinnamon! 


Ok, I know one smiled at me this time!  Now it is time to mix the crumb topping. Mix the remainder of the ingredients in a bowl. Don't forget to include the rest of the brown sugar! 

Well look who decided to wake from their cat nap!...

Good job kitty!
Pour the crumb topping over the smiling apples. 

The recipe said to bake in a 350 degree oven for 40 minutes. Mine took one hour to bake until the apples were soft like I like them.  So what do the Bees think of this recipe?  Well, I am calling this one a hit because the entire dish was gone in two days!!!  Yes, two adult Bees consumed an entire 13"x9" dish of apple crisp!  Honey especially like it served with vanilla ice cream. 

So if you have been blessed with apples why not try this recipe, if not just to see an apple smile!!

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