Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Bees Get A Late Night Visitor

     It was about this time last year that I awoke to hearing noises at night.  It sounded like someone was walking on our kitchen floor. Then later on, our bathroom floor.  I wouldn't have thought twice about it but it happened more than once in the same week.  It was so real that one time I called out, "Bumble, is that you." No answer.  I even woke up Honey, who by the way is very hard to wake. He could sleep through a freight train coming through our house. Well, of course he said he didn't hear anything. Stinger was about two months old at this time and I knew I wasn't getting much sleep so I thought maybe my mind was playing tricks on me.  But then it happened.
     One night just to prove to my unbelieving husband that I wasn't crazy, we stayed up late into the night.  At about 11:00 PM (Yes, this is late!) I heard something.  Honey heard it too!  I wasn't crazy!  You see I store my plastic Weis grocery bags on a shelf under the kitchen sink.  They rustled!  And rustled again!  Honey went to investigate.  I went to investigate the hallway, which is far away from the kitchen sink as to not let out a blood curdling shriek when he opens the cupboard door. I was glad in that moment I married a 6'4", 260 lb. man!  He will protect me and kill whatever is under that kitchen sink, I thought to myself! In that moment what does my Honey grab to defend himself and to possibly kill the intruder?  My white Libman plastic dust pan!

The dust pan?!?!  Ok don't question him, I thought.  Honey will protect me. He must have a good plan.
     Honey slowly opens the cupboard door.  He lets out an awwwww! The kind of awwwww you say when you see a cute cuddly kitten.  That is what I thought he saw under our kitchen sink.  I come out of hiding and walk into the kitchen.  I let out a blood curdling scream!  What do I see?  A possum.  A beady eyed ugly baby possum.  Apparently my Honey thinks possums are cute.  In all our nine years of marriage you would have thought I would have picked up on that!  What does Honey do next?  He gets the possum on the dust pan and throws it out the back door!  You would think that the story would end there, right?  Wrong. 
     At around 2:00 that morning, I hear a noise. I wake up Honey.  The possum has returned. It is now in my silverware drawer!!!!!!!!!!!! So gross!!!!!! What does Honey do?  He goes right for my Libman plastic dust pan.  Ok, now I have to say something!! It didn't work the first time Honey. You need a better plan!! He reassures me that he will take care of the beast this time.  He again coaxes the hissing possum on the dust pan and takes him outside, farther away then the last time.  We go back to bed.
     The next morning my Honey found out how the possum was getting in.  It climbed up through a hole that was along side our kitchen pipes.  Honey filled the hole with foam insulation.  The possum never got in again.  I spent the day cleaning every last pot, pan, dish, utensil, cup, and plate in our kitchen.  I scrubbed the counters and floors.  Do I think it was the possum I heard on our kitchen floor? Absolutely! Do I think he got into our bathroom!  Yes.  Do I think my husband will ever kill an animal?  NO!



  1. Honey needs to be careful, there is a very sharp point on that dust pan! He could hurt an animal! Gramma B

    1. I will let Honey know about the point on the dust pan in case we have another possum episode! Thanks for the comment! I like comments!- Queen Bee
