Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Bees Go To A Fall Fest, Part 3

Are you ready for part 3 of our Fall Fest trip?  I will admit when I saw this next display I smiled inside and out.  A beehive!  It was a very busy beehive.  Kind of like ours!  It was fascinating peeking in their hive!
Here Bumble is checking out all the things Bees make and do.  (As if she didn't already know!!!)

Ok enough about the bees. I will move on...

This is the only activity Bumble did that I paid money for.  I paid $3.00 for her to paint a pumpkin.  I have to say it was well worth it.  If I would have done this at home I would have had to clean up the mess! Bumble had fun doing this.  We let it in the sun to dry when she was finished.

 I love this next picture!  

You will always be my pumpkin, Bumble!
Ok, hang in there with me.  Only one more Fall Fest post left, I promise! 

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