Thursday, October 11, 2012

Honey Bee Loves Ketchup

Honey puts ketchup on everything.  Heinz ketchup to be exact.  This used to bother me when we first got married.  He would slather it on eggs, fried potatos, meat loaf, and yes, even my cheesy gourmet potatos.  At first I thought my cooking must be horrible. Why else would he be ruining my home-cooked meals with ketchup?  Then I noticed everytime we went to restaurants he would also smother his food with ketchup. So I figured it musn't be my cooking. As it turns out Honey just loves ketchup!  In 2008 B.C. (Before Children) we had the priviledge of vacationing in Prince Edward Island, Canada.  Guess what Honey noticed right away?  The Heinz ketchup in Canada tastes different.   Honey actually liked it better, so we brought some Canadian Heinz ketchup back home with us.  When we compared the list of ingredients to U.S Heinz ketchup he was indeed correct.  There is a difference.  Why do I bring up this subject of Heinz ketchup? Well because Weis Markets has Heinz ketchup on sale this week and there is only about 1" of ketchup left in our ketchup bottle!!! I must keep ketchup in stock for my Honey. So this is what I bought...

Why did I buy seven ketchups? If you get out your Weis flyer you will find a sale that says "buy $20.00 of participating Heinz product and get a $7.00 coupon off your next shopping order." Remember this is off of shelf price, not sale price.  The shelf price for 40 oz Heinz ketchup at my store is $2.99.  It is on sale for $2.50.  $2.99x7= $20.93. So I bought seven.  Here is how it rang up... $2.50x7= $17.50 (a $7.00 coupon printed at register.) So these seven ketchups cost me $10.50.  Wait until Honey sees the cupboard stocked with ketchup.  He will be all abuzz!  

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