Monday, November 12, 2012

Queen Bee likes "Christy", Part 1

My favorite telvision series of all time is "Christy." It aired on CBS in the 90's.   I own the complete series on DVD.

There is nothing I like to do better on a cold night than to cuddle up on the couch with my fuzzy brown blanket while eating my favorite snack of crackers with Garlic Garlic dip from Tastefully Simple and watch an episode.  That's right. The dip has garlic in its name twice.  That should give you an idea of how potent it is, but it is so yummy.   The smell of the dip alone assures me that no one will bother me! Now of course this alone time has not happened lately.  Children have a way of doing that.
     I have watched the episodes enough times that I can even quote you lines, like "teacher, she can talk water uphill" and "get in the wagon woman," which Honey uses on me every now and then.  Some of you may know this television series was filmed in Townsend, Tennessee.  Honey and I have been to Tennessee twice, once on our honeymoon and once for a vacation.  During one of our visits I wanted Honey to hunt down some of the places where they filmed the television series.  Let me tell you, he couldn't have been more thrilled! be continued.

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