Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Bees Go To Christmas Candylane

The Bees traveled outside the hive recently and went to Christmas Candylane at Hershey Park.  It was open from 5:00pm-9:000pm the particular day we went so things went a little differently then they did when we would go to the park in the summer.  Since we left in the afternoon, Bumble and Stinger napped on the way there.  This was quite nice!
 When we arrived it was already dark. They had the park decorated for Christmas with lots of lights...
They had what looked like Japanese lanterns on some trees. These were my favorite. They were beautiful.

Only the kiddie rides were open so I didn't have to stress about Bumble riding any "big" rides.  She did ride lots of the kiddie rides.  Of course I had to take a picture of this one.

Here is a Bee riding in a bee.

Here is a Bee riding a horse...
and in a rocket.

 Yes, I took Stinger.  He enjoyed the evening and liked looking at all the lights.  Unfortunately, I bundled him up so much he could hardly walk.  
Somewhere in this snowsuit is my boy.  I promise the other side of him had an opening so he could breathe.  All in all the Bee family enjoyed Christmas Candylane.  The best part was that the price of admission was included with our season passes.  Queen Bee likes free"bees".

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