Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Bees Toilet Surprise

Someone forgot to shut the bathroom door!

Stinger noticed and took full advantage of this opportunity.  He left me with a toilet surprise.  It is times like this that I try to look at the bright side of things.  Here is my top 5 list of "bright side" thoughts.
 Number 1.  That there was none of this in the toilet.
 Number 2.  That there was none of this in the toilet either.
 Number 3.   My toilet had just been cleaned.
 Number 4.  Stinger did not try to flush the toilet.
 Number 5.   That I did not find Stinger IN the toilet.  
Stinger, Stinger, Stinger!  What will you think of next! Your sister never did this.  She is supposed to be teaching you stuff, not the other way around!!!

1 comment:

  1. And...Stinger gets the Turlet-zer-prize! Gramma B
