Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Queen Bee Likes "Christy", Part 2

Our first stop in tracking down some areas where the Christy series was filmed began at the Museum of Appalachia in Norris, TN.   This is a fascinating museum if you enjoy Appalachian history as much as I do.  For those of you that have seen Christy, some of the scenes from the episode "Echoes" were filmed here.  That particular episode focused on the character of Dan Scott and his family.  Here are some views of the old cabins and buildings that we toured.

This is an old school that I believe they used in the episode.

This is a picture showing the inside of a log church. 
Remind me to never complain about hard and uncomfortable church benches again!  

Here are more outside views.

Do these views remind anyone of the "Echoes" episode?

 After touring the museum we traveled to our next stop, Townsend, TN. 
...to be continued

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