Friday, November 2, 2012

The Bees Laundry Basket Update

 I went to get my big blue laundry basket the other day. It was covered in this.

Tape! It was everywhere!  Even along the bottom. 

Well I knew Honey or Stinger would not do this so I asked Bumble about it.  Bumble said she broke the laundry basket but it would be ok. Also, I shouldn't cry because she taped it. That's an understatement! It turns out both Bumble and Stinger decided to stand on top of it at the same time and this one lonely crack happened.

But she used the entire roll of tape to fix it! 
 It's ok Bumble. Mommy's not upset.  I know you and Stinger have lots of fun with this basket.  Now where can I buy some cheap tape to replace the roll she used?

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